Cancelation Policy
We really value time – both yours, and ours. Running an efficient small business allows us to provide service to more people and gives us time to pursue the things we love and value. Our cancellation policy supports and respects the time commitment of our clients and our business and is intended to make our expectations clear. It sounds like this.
If you are unable to keep your appointment or something unexpected comes up on the day, please give us a call to let us know you are ok. Better late than never! We understand that life happens.
It is important that we hear from you so that we might be able to help other people in that time slot instead.
Our cancellation policy applies to ‘no-show’ appointments and cancellations that occur within 24 hours of the appointment time. We do not routinely apply a financial penalty so are more than happy to work with our valued clients to achieve the best outcome.
If you have any questions, please contact Robert at robert.brown@saltysportsphysio.com.au or on 0470434340.
Informed Consent
The purpose of this form is to let you know what your rights are and how we address the issue of collaborative decision making and informed consent between physiotherapist and patient.
Physiotherapy treatment is generally safe and effective, however, like any treatment there are benefits and risks. Your physiotherapist will discuss your condition, treatment, and any potential risks involved so that you are appropriately informed and can make decisions relating to that treatment. You may consent or refuse any portion of treatment for any reason. Once you have given consent, you may withdraw your consent at any point in time.
Please note that parental consent is required for any minors under the age of 18.
Your physiotherapist may ask personal questions relating to your injury and how your injury impacts on your activities of daily living. The more information you provide, the more likely it is that the physiotherapist can provide an effective treatment. It is your choice as to what information you choose to provide. If you feel uncomfortable with a particular question or group of questions, please let the physiotherapist know and they will cease.
During the examination, assessment and treatment it may be necessary for your physiotherapist to make physical contact. Your physiotherapist will ask your permission before making physical contact with you in any way. Physical contact requires your express consent. You may withdraw that consent at any time at which point, all physical contact will cease immediately. Please inform your physiotherapist if you feel uncomfortable at any time.
Where a person is incapable of understanding the risks and benefits of treatment, consent may be provided by another person legally authorised to provide such consent. Evidence of legal authorisation is required in such circumstances.
It is important that you let your physiotherapist know if you have any medical conditions (such as but not limited to; heart disease or pacemaker, stroke, regular medications, diabetes, ) that may impact your treatment.
The risk related to some treatments can increase if the physiotherapist is not aware of certain facts.
Privacy Policy of Salty Sports Physiotherapy
Our commitment to your privacy
We are committed to handling personal information about you, including health information about you, in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.
In this Policy, we explain:
what kind of information we collect and hold about you
how and why we collect it
what we do with that information and who we share it with (and when)
your right to seek access to, and if required correction of, the records we hold about you
your right to make a privacy complaint, to us and others
whether we are likely to disclose information about you to overseas recipients.
What kind of personal information do we collect about you?
We collect and hold the following kind of information about you:
your name, address, date of birth, email and contact details
information about your family or relatives
information about other health professionals involved in your care
any government identifiers such as Medicare number, DVA number. However,
we do not use these for the purposes of identifying you in our practice -
other health information about you such as: a record of your symptoms, your relevant medical history, the diagnosis made and the treatment we give you:
specialist reports
test results
your appointment and billing details
your prescriptions
your healthcare identifier
your health fund details
other information about you collected for the purposes of providing care to you.
How do we collect and hold your personal information?
We will generally collect personal information about you in these ways:
directly from you when you give us your details (eg, face-to-face, over the phone,
via registration form or an online form) -
from a person responsible for you
from a third party where we are permitted by law to do that (eg. other health care professionals involved in your care, from your health insurer, from the My Health Record system etc.).
Why do we collect and use information about you?
We primarily collect and use personal information about you to provide our physiotherapy services to you and to communicate with you and others involved in your care in relation to those services.
We also sometimes use that information for other purposes, including:
to help us manage our accounts and administrative services, including billing, arrangements with health funds, pursuing unpaid accounts, management of our IT systems and
to conduct accreditation, quality assurance or internal audits.
When and why might we share information about you with others?
We may disclose information about you to others outside of our practice as permitted or required
under law. This will include situations where we disclose information about you in order:
to comply with our legal obligations (eg. mandatory reporting under legislation,
responding to a court order or subpoena) -
to consult with other health professionals involved in your healthcare
to get test results from diagnostic and pathology services
to claim on insurance
to communicate with your health fund, with government and other regulatory
bodies such as Medicare -
to help us manage our accounts and administrative services (eg. billing or debt recovery, arrangements with health funds, pursuing unpaid accounts etc.)
note; if you have My Health Record, to upload and to download personal information about you from it
to lessen or prevent a serious threat to a patient’s life, health or safety or a serious threat to public health or safety
to help in locating a missing person
to establish, exercise or defend an equitable claim through the My Health Record
to prepare the defence of anticipated or existing legal proceedings
to discharge notification obligations to liability insurers.
Your right to seek access to and to seek correction of the information we hold about you:
You have the right to seek access to and correction of the personal information we hold about you.
We will normally respond to your request within 30 days. To make the request, you should contact Robert Brown on robert.brown@saltysportsphysio.com.au
If you think that the information we hold about you is not correct, let us know in writing. We will
take reasonable steps to correct your personal information where the information is not accurate
or up-to-date. From time to time, we may also ask you to verify that the information we hold about
you is correct and current. And please notify us if and when your contact details change.
Security: how we hold your personal information:
We take reasonable steps to protect the information we hold about you. These are designed to
prevent unauthorised access, modification or disclosure and to prevent misuse and loss.
holding information on an encrypted database
holding information in secure cloud storage
getting staff to sign confidentiality documents
providing staff with training or induction etc. about confidentiality and (in particular)
security issues -
access to information restricted on a ‘need to know’ basis and
strong password protections when accessing the information on a computer.
Your right to receive treatment from us anonymously (or by using a pseudonym)
Where it is lawful and practicable for us to do so, you can be treated anonymously or through use
of a pseudonym (a name other than yours).
If you have a privacy-related concern about us:
If you have concerns about the way we’ve handled your privacy, let us know. You should do that in writing. We will then try to respond to you within 30 days.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you can refer your complaint to the Office of the
Australian Information Commission, whose contact details are:
Phone: 1300 363 992
Email: enquiries@oaic.gov.au
Post: GPO Box 5218 Sydney New South Wales 2001
Website: https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacy-complaints/
How to contact us
To contact us about any privacy related issues, please approach:
Robert Brown on robert.brown@saltysportsphysio.com.au or 0470434340